Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas for real!

Merry Christmas, it's quiet here, and rainy! Since our daughter is not here it's also a bit dreary in my heart! I miss her...

Off to the dining hall to serve and also eat. Since we already had our Christmas so to speak we thought we would just take our meal at the DFAC after our serving time. We did, hmmm, what can I say, it wasn't my cooking but it filled the void in my tummy.

Then it was off to the movies; something of a tradition for us as of the last couple years. We were going to see Les Mis if I had my pick but that didn't really go over well with the boys so we opted for Guilt Trip instead. It was funny but also slightly stupid, oh well, there were some good laughs!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas (a little early)

It's been quite a week! We have moved, we have company and we are celebrating Christmas today so some can get back on the road! It was a great meal if I do say so myself. The sweet potatoes turned out great, the stuffing was yummy, the mashed potatoes were buttery and the rolls were tasty! It was a quite a feast!.

Few pics before the masses hit the road!

 Momma and her boys!


Boys being silly :)

Friday, December 21, 2012


Wellllllllll, we are not really quite OUT of the Blue, yet, but the new adventure HAS already begun.

Since I wanted to make sure I was able to keep up with the documentation of this new adventure and I was out of picture posting space on my old blog I decided to move forward with a new blog. So here I am and here we go...Adventures AFTER the Blue!

Today we moved out of our base assigned house and into our new home...yep, we are in the motor home full time as of today...I'm slightly scared to death and deliriously thrilled all in one breath. It's crazy but also very exciting. Goodness knows I wish we were truly out of the house but that won't be until 2 January. That will truly be a liberating scary day.

Lest you think this was a snap decision, it was indeed not. Retirement thoughts have in fact been on our scope since 2008. Yep, it's true! Then the whole Command Chief gig opportunity came along and it seemed like it was a good fit to re-challenge the MiB so we let it slide to the back burner and jumped into this new role with both feet and have been bouncing along since. Not to say that throughout this time we were not thinking, planning and mulling over our exit strategy. We were, we have been, we still are. The only difference is that this time we have set into motion the plan to actually make it happen. 

And the RV thing, well, that is also something we have talked about for years and years! Just so happened the right set of circumstances presented themselves so we took the opportunity to make that happen as well. And now here I sit in FamCamp well on our way to being full-timers so to speak!

Few pics to share with you!


The holidays are fast approaching and we have MiBs brothers here and his folks are on their way! Thankful for the extra hands during the moving and it's gonna be Mexican tonight!